söndag 31 augusti 2014

New #neighbor

Sunday morning, and you want to sleep a little longer. Then something starts outside and you wake up and become irritated. What kind of an idiot ............but.....
sometimes you may change your mind

tisdag 26 augusti 2014

#Elvis , the #King

Why choose the president of the United States when they have a King.
Elvis, was he the King of Rock n Roll or was he President of Rock n Roll?

måndag 25 augusti 2014

Texas, ku klux klan


Today they visit Texas. Some people in white clothes is visible on a hill. And it's also a fire. But it is the Ku Klux Klan they see ......... or is it something completely different. #barbeque #cartoons 

söndag 24 augusti 2014

#Minnesota ,The Swedes Land

Minnesota, "the Swedes Land" in the United States, it said. But is it true, Krejsen and Mojjen tested and the result was positive, ie no doubt anymore.

fredag 22 augusti 2014

#Instagram , smoke signals, likes

Hur många likes ?

Instagram and text messaging an old communication ways. Even before the phone was sent wireless information, smoke signals. Even "likes" sometimes.

torsdag 21 augusti 2014

#Dog food

Today they got to meet the people who lived first in USA. It was exciting to meet the indigenous people, the Indians. Mojjen thought it was the nicest people he has met. But why is it more dogs, than the Indians here in USA wonder Mojjen

onsdag 20 augusti 2014

No #problem with #Greyhound Bus

Only for dogs
#Continued ... They did not become rich by digging gold. So they traveled on. They had heard that a good way to travel in the United States is #Greyhound Bus. It should be trouble free ..... or

tisdag 19 augusti 2014

Dig for #gold in #Klondike

Easy to be rich?
How easy is it to get rich in America. They've heard about the gold rush. But perhaps the time is over And they came too late.
It's a hard country to live in
Now they are taking the bus to another location ............ we'll see tomorrow

måndag 18 augusti 2014

#Bigger in USA

Everything is big here
Krejsen and Mojjen is on holiday in the USA. They look at America's history. And what about the American people? And is USA difference against Sweden, or is it same,same,same. Everything is bigger, but otherwise it's the same ............. next day, they try their luck to get rich

onsdag 6 augusti 2014

Dog learn: go heel

Dog go heal
Is it difficult to teach the dog. It depends on what it should learn. There are many ways to teach dogs. Krejsens and Mojjens neighbor teaches his dog. Maybe not the best way but it works ...............

lördag 2 augusti 2014

#Stockholm #Pride #Festival

Moose pride
Stockholm Pride Festival
Bigger every year, rainbow, more people in the parade, more people will watch it. Could it be better?
Yes, that it will spread far outside Stockholm, which it has now done. According to recent data, there has been spread far into the forest .....................