onsdag 23 juli 2014

Restaurant visits

Time to go?
On vacation, you are tired of cooking, unless barbeque. People eat at a Restaurant. But then it's something you absolutely do not want to hear ..............

tisdag 15 juli 2014

Blackmail or negotiation

Cats on cars
Cats blackmail

Who decides in your home? If you have a cat then you know the answer. The cat says it is negotiation, you say it's blackmail

If you want to read comic strips in Swedisch, go to
120 st. strips in swedisch

torsdag 10 juli 2014

#Viagra,#dating,#new girlfriend

viagra or sleep pills
Sleep well
Can you trust your pet. Perhaps, .....
but only if you have dealt with it well.
 If you destroy their sexlife they destroy yours..........
They can get revenge when you least expect it, and then it can go really bad.................really bad.

onsdag 9 juli 2014

Lets dance

Nice try
Why are some species dying out. Is it because of humans. Or is it the species itself,  that contributes to it. Some species are trying desperately to multiply, with new temptations but gets misunderstood and ridiculed

tisdag 8 juli 2014

Mosquitos buzz

Mosquitos warning
Sometimes it's good to shut up, at least if you're a mosquito. In their world, it is not "that which is heard most is the one that get the best".  in their world, it's 'shut up and live longer'

måndag 7 juli 2014

#White flag

White flag
Color blind
In war and conflict you can always hoist the white flag and give up. It is always respected. So if you do not have a chance to escape, hoist the white flag.
Is it the same in the animal world?........

söndag 6 juli 2014

#Tattoo , on the beach

Body pictures
Tattoo , for everyone
On the #beach. In the past, when you were sunbathing on the beach, people read newspapers frequently. Nowadays you do not need newspaper on the beach. Now you can read on people's bodies instead. Everything from portraits to figures tattooed. But is it the same shit as newspaper?

lördag 5 juli 2014

#Mosquito sucks blood

sucks blood
Tanked mosquito
If you have celebrated Swedish midsummer, you know what I write about. What is Swedish midsummer? It is when its brightest in this darkness land.
And you'll be eating food outdoors between rain showers .First eat herring and snaps, then salmon and snaps, grilled and snaps, strawberries and cream and snaps, coffee and snaps, and when the food is finished ..... snaps.
So if you're a mosquito, stay away from the Swedish blood ....... at least in midsummer

fredag 4 juli 2014

#Shotgun, Ten pointers

Nice Shoot

What is needed to succeed in the hunt? A good dog that can track down a hare. Patience, waiting until the hare comes within shooting distance. But the key is that the shotgun is set correctly ........

torsdag 3 juli 2014

#Cat flap

Fat cat
New size
Is your cat too fat? How shall your cat lose weight ? Are there other ways to do than giving it less food?
The answer is Yes, but the cat don't like it................

onsdag 2 juli 2014

Dental fault

Late hunting
Going to the dentist, many find unpleasant. Can dogs also be concerned about the dentist? Hunting dogs can sometimes feel uncomfortable that their master has been to the dentist before the hunt ....

tisdag 1 juli 2014

#Cat escape

Hungry cat

It is said that cats are independent. You can no control over them.
 But there is something that we have that cats not can resist .............. food ..............
they're like a boomerang ,they come back...........when they are hungry....